(804) 647- 1066 Zoo To You
Mobile Petting Zoo Party Rental, Pony Rides, Zoo Animal Education & More

Zoo To You
Traveling Mobile Outreach Services
501(c)(3) Non profit
Serving Richmond Virginia & Surrounding Area
(804) 647- 1066 Zoo To You
Zoo To You
Traveling Mobile Outreach Services
501(c)(3) Non profit
Serving Richmond Virginia & Surrounding Area
Wildlife Friends Educational & Interactive Explore & discover our world. Inside -set on 4 tables
Featuring: Madagascar the Endangered Ring-tail Lemur (king Julian), Giant hissing cockroaches, South America the unique & curious Coati, Large red footed tortoise, Africa a Prickly hedgehog Homes hinge back tortoise, Giant millipedes, Ball Python. Australia the Bearded Dragon ,whites chubby tree frogs. Learn there ecological value Habitat, adaptation. Sol pk-3rd, 7th science
Mobile Petting Zoo Farm Animals in Virginia Educational & Therapeutic All Ages
Our petting zoo farm offers a perfect variety of different kinds of small farm animals -Cute mini pony, The wonderful Jerusalem donkey, Playful & skilled fainting goats, Annabel the soft woolly sheep, quaky ducks, frilly silkie chickens & always a favorite soft angora bunnies to pet. The set includes hay bales & brushes. Husbandry education , life skills, compassion The set is seasonally decorated spring & fall.
Pony Rides -Always popular. Themed decor provided upon request unicorn, my little pony, cowboy. Husbandry education, life skills, compassion. Therapy Ponies promotes healing, compassion & leadership skills. all ages
Traveling Pony Ride Rental Richmond Virginia & Surrounding Counties
Mobile Petting Zoo Farm Parties Richmond Virginia & Surrounding Counties
Zoo Animals ,Petting Zoo Farm Animals Children's Parties & Events
Petting Zoo Farm Animals, Pony Rides . Therapeutic Ponies & Zoo Animal's Wildlife Friends Programs
Birthday's -3 popular options: Pony rides, Zoo animal wildlife friends, Petting Zoo Farm animals barnyard buddies. All ages.
Petting Zoo Farm the barnyard buddies & Pony Ride Rentals Richmond VA & Surrounding Counties
Positive interaction & learning Animals promote self-discovery Consistent with love & caring communicating through energy & body language Animals help to broaden capacities: caring love peace calming empathy social & leadership skills self-awareness Leading to happiness, healing & change. Focus areas: Disabilities, emotional & behavior disorders, trauma, learning disability Children youth adults & families Fact: Animal therapy has positive outcomes.Animals exhibit genuine love non judgmental
Live Nativity A variety of nativity animals Jerusalem donkey, little goats, sheep Outside stationed by Nativity, or Donkey, sheep & goats can be led into the service.Camel available upon special request. Easter celebrations variety of small farm animals.
White Dove Releases Weddings, ceremonies & Funerals. Exhibit's Weddings, ceremonies.
Love,peace & closure.
Festively Decorated for Fall Hay Ride Perfect for your Fall Events
Animals Unlimited provides Animal's for Education, Therapy & Event 's . We offer Traveling Petting Zoo's, Pony Rides, Therapeutic Ponies, Zoo Animal Birthday Parties, Zoo Animal Educational Programs, Farm Animal Birthdays, Mobile Petting Zoo & Pony Party Rentals, Animal Assisted Therapy Programs & More
We specialize in Education, Therapy, Parties & Events: Birthdays, Day Care & Schools , Community Outreach, Corporate Events & Churches.
We believe that individuals of all ages need to have the experience of being around animals. Learning from them and about them. Through this interaction we are able to inspire individuals to develop an interest and a sense of connection and responsibility to the world around them.
To those that we have an opportunity to serve individuals gain this important beneficial experience of stewardship, purpose and compassion.
We offer a wide array of animals to enjoy & appreciate.
Licensed and insured.
Wildlife Friends Sol curriculum covered. Grade Pk-k / Kindergarten Using my senses to understand my world. How we can make a difference- Individual stewardship, Conservation, protecting habitat and natural resources (reduce, reuse and recycle). Grade 1 How I interact with my world. Life’s basic needs of all living things to survive (food, water, shelter, habitat (territory space and why it is important) Grade 2 Change occurs all around us. Weather and man change the earth- water, air, land, plants, and animals, living systems plants, animals are interdependent with their living and nonliving surroundings Grade 3 Our Interactions in -our world. Interactions with living and non-living aspects of the environment, interrelationship within the ecosystem and why it is important, food chain, the flow of energy Grade 7 Life Science emphasizes an understanding of change, cycles, patterns, and relationships in the living world. Relationships among species in the living world, ecosystems, biomes, the universality that maintains life's processes, individual contribution.
Petting Zoo Barnyard Buddies Educational & therapeutic. Husbandry practices education on care & learning about each animal.
Species groups herds, flocks, colonies the connection and purpose and why it is important.
Pony Rides & Therapy Ponies- Promotes healing, compassion & leadership skills.
Please Support Us:
Donate to a program (of your choice). Sponsor an Animal (of your choice).
Helping us with our mission. With your help we can Serve the under-served children, youth & families within our communities. Making an Impact within their lives.
Project Description:
Programs for our under-served schools & communities: There are so many within our communities that are low wealth and have limited resources. They are a very diverse group of individuals in need. We do not want them to be left behind. They deserve to have the experience of learning and an opportunity to be around animals. This is a therapeutic approach to experiencing connection, compassion and love. We would like to reach more.
Our Motto: We are all in this together!
The impact in our communities is imperative.
Sponsor a Program: (Your choice of 3 options)
Wildlife Friends: Title 1 schools elementary & middle, children & youth community club's instructional support
Enhanced curriculum instruction for our area Title 1 schools. Needs the programs address. Supporting data Title 1 schools Funding is for math & reading . Our outreach educational programs Wildlife Friends covers the (science curriculum) Pk- 3rd grades & 7th grade life science. All ages.
We believe that the Science curriculum is very important. Program topics. Learning about the interlinking ecological components within the world we share. Learning that we all have a responsibility to care for one another and all things that of stewardship within our communities and world to do our part.
Petting Zoo Barnyard Buddies: Title 1 schools elementary & middle, children & youth community club's instructional support, community outreach
Educational & therapeutic. Husbandry practices offers education on care & learning about each animal.
Species groups herds, flocks, colonies the connection and purpose and why it is important. Incorporating this into our lives caring, compassion and purpose.
Pony Rides, Therapy Ponies & Animals; Community Outreach
Promotes healing, caring, compassion & leadership skills.
Creating the opportunity of experience with a diverse educational and therapeutic approach to learning,
compassion, empathy, self-worth, belonging, connection, caring, coping, empowers mental health , accountability, actions, relationships and responsibility. Learning this runs parallel within our lives learning life skills and leadership development, achievement, increasing test scores, academic and emotional success.
Filling the academic gap and emotional support.
Strategies: Animals for enhanced learning and education. Project Connect: We are devoted to making an enduring and positive impact within our communities. Individuals gain understanding, purpose, connection, and access to experience. Improving academic success and understanding the importance of individual contribution. Identification of the issue(s) Addressing limited access to quality education, transformational experiences, increases test scores in science enhances comprehension and connection to one another and the environment. Evaluation, Engagement. We have signed letters of support in favor of our programming from area Superintendents, Principles, Chief academic officers and Directors of many organizations. Eagerly welcome the opportunity. Expressing enthusiastic support for Animals Unlimited Organization. Acknowledging a proven track record of delivering high quality educational programs that align with goals of enhancing academic success within the science curriculum, environmental awareness, and stewardship covering essential topics designed to foster a deep understanding that are critical areas of learning.
Funding Impact: Letters of full support in favor of our programs : Richmond public schools 5 preschools serving 955 students, 5 elementary schools serving 2,285 students, Petersburg public schools 1 preschool serving 425 students, 1 elementary school serving 540 students, Chesterfield public schools 1 elementary school serving 995 students, City of Charlottesville public schools 6 elementary schools serving 2,035 students, Albemarle public schools 15 elementary schools serving 4,535 students. Special Olympics of Virginia, Friends Association for Children serving 135 students, Richmond HUD Neighborhood Network Communities 5 Properties serving children, youth & Families. The programs are cost effective. Cost per student or individual averages 7-8 dollars per person serving many in our area annually. We need your continued support.
Sponsor an Animal: (of your choice)
When you sponsor one of our animals you help offset some of the costs of caring for them. This enables us to put more funding into expanding our programs. Supporting those in our schools and communities who wouldn’t otherwise have access to this learning experience. All sponsors receive a tax-deductible donation receipt. Sponsors are encouraged to schedule visits to see their sponsored animal. The animals expenses per month include: Care, feed and operational expenses. Supplying fresh produce, specialty diets, insects, hay and grain daily. Veterinarian care.
Choose Your Sponsored Animal: Ponies: Daisy May & Lashadka, Donkeys: Oslick & Poitou Goats: Buster, Nubian & Camille Sheep: Annabel & Katahdin, Llama: Yamma, Bunnies: Our colony of Angora's, Guinea Pig: Pig, Emu's: Edward & Eleanor, Silkie Chicken's: Our flock ,Ducks: Mr. & Mrs. Green, African Porcupine: Pete Coati Mundi: Jose” Squeaky” Ring Tail Lemur: Leonard Red Footed Tortoise: Dave, Homes Hinge Back Tortoise: Haley, African Hedgehog's: Henry & Henrietta, Bearded Dragon's: Buddy & Little Dragonfly, Ball Python: Monty, Whites Green Tree Frog: Froggy, Hissing Cockroaches: Our Colony
It’s amazing to watch the beneficial effects in the lives of individuals who are enabled to have this experience. There is nothing like the feeling of knowing you are helping not only those in need, but also the animals.
Founded Animals Unlimited in 1997. Managing Director, Director of Programs, Outreach and Development. Experience: Business Management 27 Plus Years, Entrepreneur.
Wilba Pettus Gilman President, Director, Treasurer, Business Finance, Business Planning and Development
Volunteers Always Welcome
When you support us
This supplies critical funding by offsetting our costs. Enabling us to fund & expand programs for title 1 schools & low income at risk community members
Title 1 schools Wildlife friends Enhanced science curriculum instruction Pk - 3rd, 7th gr. Life Science. Increasing achievement levels & test scores
Community outreach A therapeutic approach. Experiencing compassion, connection & love to the world around us.
Serving those who wouldn’t otherwise have access to this service.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve the lives of many Children, Youth & Adults within our Schools & Communities.
Your generous donation will help fund our mission.
Your donations are tax deductible. A tax donation receipt will be sent to you. Our Motto We are all in this together. We hope you will consider supporting us and donating. Thank you